tagCANDY CGI VBレスキュー(花ちゃん) の Visual Basic 2010 用 掲示板(VB.NET 掲示板)
VBレスキュー(花ちゃん) の Visual Basic 2010 用 掲示板(VB.NET 掲示板)
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タイトル Re^10: Keybd_Eventでのモニターリセット
投稿日: 2021/03/18(Thu) 22:28



        エディション    Windows 10 Home
        バージョン  2004
        Release 528372(.NET Framework 4.8)


> グラフィックドライバーの違いが原因なのか、
> OS バージョンに依存する話であるのか…。
> 当方でも実験してみましたが、リセットされない要因については
> 現時点でははっきりしません。
> ★ .NET Framework 4.8.4300.0【Windows 10 Pro (20H2)】物理マシン
> 上記環境においては、自作プログラムから GPU をリセットできました。
> また、[スタート] - [Windows 簡単操作] - [スクリーン キーボード]
> からでもリセット可能なことを確認しました。
> [Ctrl]+[Shift]を押しながらスクリーン キーボードを起動するパターンも
> 確認してみましたが、どうやら管理者モードの有無も無関係のようです。
> ★ .NET Framework 4.8.4300.0【Windows 10 Pro (2004)】Hyper-V ゲスト
> ★ .NET Framework 4.7.3416.0【Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (1607)】Hyper-V ゲスト
> ★ .NET Framework 4.7.3620.0【Windows Server 2016 Standard (1607)】Hyper-V ゲスト
> 上記環境においては、自作プログラムからの GPU リセットが動作しませんでした。
> また、スクリーン キーボードからの操作も反応なしです。
> Imports System
> Imports System.Windows.Forms
> Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
> Public Class Form1
>     Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
>         Text = $"64bitOS={Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem}, 64bitProc={Environment.Is64BitProcess}, {RuntimeInformation.FrameworkDescription}"
>     End Sub
>     Private Async Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
>         SendStrokes({
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.ControlKey, True),
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.ShiftKey, True),
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.LWin, True),
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.B, True)
>         })
>         Await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.2))
>         SendStrokes({
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.B, False),
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.ControlKey, False),
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.LWin, False),
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.ShiftKey, False)
>         })
>     End Sub
>     Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
>         SendStrokes({
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.ControlKey, True),
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.ShiftKey, True),
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.LWin, True),
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.B, True),
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.B, False),
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.ControlKey, False),
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.LWin, False),
>             Input.NewKeyboard(Keys.ShiftKey, False)
>         })
>     End Sub
> End Class
> Imports System
> Imports System.ComponentModel
> Imports System.Drawing
> Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
> Imports System.Windows.Forms
> Public Module InputModule
>     Public Sub SendStrokes(stroke() As Input)
>         If If(stroke?.Length, 0) = 0 Then
>             Return
>         End If
>         Dim count As Integer = SendInput(stroke.Length, stroke, Marshal.SizeOf(Of Input)())
>         If count = 0 Then
>             Throw New Win32Exception()
>         End If
>     End Sub
>     Private Declare Unicode Function GetMessageExtraInfo Lib "user32" () As IntPtr
>     Private Declare Unicode Function SendInput Lib "user32" (
>         nInputs As Integer,
>         <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex:=0)> pInputs As Input(),
>         cbsize As Integer) As Integer
>     Public Enum InputType As Integer
>         Mouse = 0
>         Keyboard = 1
>         Hardware = 2
>     End Enum
>     <Flags>
>     Public Enum KeyFlags As UShort
>         None = 0
>         ExtendedKey = 1
>         KeyUp = 2
>         Unicode = 4
>         ScanCode = 8
>     End Enum
>     <Flags>
>     Public Enum MouseFlags As UShort
>         None = &H0
>         Move = &H1
>         LeftDown = &H2
>         LeftUp = &H4
>         RightDown = &H8
>         RightUp = &H10
>         MiddleDown = &H20
>         MiddleUp = &H40
>         XDown = &H80
>         XUp = &H100
>         Wheel = &H800
>         HWheel = &H1000
>         Move_NoCoalesce = &H2000
>         VirtualDesk = &H4000
>         Absolute = &H8000
>     End Enum
>     <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)>
>     Public Structure Input
>         Public Type As InputType
>         Public Union As InputUnion
>         Public Shared Function NewKeyboard(wVk As UShort, wScan As UShort, dwFlags As UInteger) As Input
>             Dim t As New Input() With {.Type = InputType.Keyboard}
>             With t.Union.Keyboard
>                 .VirtualKey = wVk
>                 .ScanCode = wScan
>                 .Flags = dwFlags
>                 .Time = 0
>                 .ExtraInfo = GetMessageExtraInfo()
>             End With
>             Return t
>         End Function
>         Public Shared Function NewKeyboard(virtualKey As Keys, pushed As Boolean) As Input
>             Return NewKeyboard(CUShort(virtualKey), 0US, CUShort(If(pushed, KeyFlags.None, KeyFlags.KeyUp)))
>         End Function
>         Public Shared Function NewMouse(dx As Integer, dy As Integer, dwFlags As MouseFlags, mouseData As UInteger) As Input
>             Dim t As New Input() With {.Type = InputType.Mouse}
>             With t.Union.Mouse
>                 .X = 0
>                 .Y = 0
>                 .Data = mouseData
>                 .Flags = dwFlags
>                 .Time = 0
>                 .ExtraInfo = GetMessageExtraInfo()
>             End With
>             Return t
>         End Function
>         Public Shared Function NewHardware(uMsg As UInteger, wParamH As UShort, wParamL As UShort) As Input
>             Dim t As New Input() With {.Type = InputType.Hardware}
>             With t.Union.Hardware
>                 .Msg = uMsg
>                 .WParamH = wParamH
>                 .WParamL = wParamL
>             End With
>             Return t
>         End Function
>         Public Shared Function NewHardware(uMsg As UInteger, wParam As UInteger) As Input
>             Dim t As New Input() With {.Type = InputType.Hardware}
>             With t.Union.Hardware
>                 .Msg = uMsg
>                 .WParamH = CUShort(wParam And &HFFFFUS)
>                 .WParamL = CUShort(wParam >> 16)
>             End With
>             Return t
>         End Function
>     End Structure
>     <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)>
>     Public Structure InputUnion
>         <FieldOffset(0)> Public Mouse As MouseInput
>         <FieldOffset(0)> Public Keyboard As KeyboardInput
>         <FieldOffset(0)> Public Hardware As HardwareInput
>     End Structure
>     <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)>
>     Public Structure MouseInput
>         Public X As Integer
>         Public Y As Integer
>         Public Data As UInteger
>         Public Flags As UInteger
>         Public Time As UInteger
>         Public ExtraInfo As IntPtr
>     End Structure
>     <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)>
>     Public Structure KeyboardInput
>         Public VirtualKey As UShort
>         Public ScanCode As UShort
>         Public Flags As UInteger
>         Public Time As UInteger
>         Public ExtraInfo As IntPtr
>     End Structure
>     <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)>
>     Public Structure HardwareInput
>         Public Msg As UInteger
>         Public WParamL As UShort
>         Public WParamH As UShort
>     End Structure
> End Module

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