tagCANDY CGI VBレスキュー(花ちゃん)の Visual Basic 6.0用 掲示板
VBレスキュー(花ちゃん)の Visual Basic 6.0用 掲示板
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タイトル Re^3: アニメgifの最大化
投稿日: 2007/12/25(Tue) 10:46
> Resizeイベントを用いて、WebBrowserのプロパティを変更するということでしょうか?

Option Explicit

Private img As Object
Private imgStyle As Object
Private baseWidth As Integer
Private baseHeight As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()
    ScaleMode = vbPixels
    WebBrowser1.Navigate "C:\sample.gif"
    WebBrowser1.RegisterAsDropTarget = False
End Sub

Private Sub Resize()
    WebBrowser1.Move 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight
    If img Is Nothing Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim xZoom As Single, yZoom As Single
    On Error Resume Next
    xZoom = ScaleWidth / baseWidth
    yZoom = ScaleHeight / baseHeight
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        xZoom = 1!
        yZoom = 1!
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    If xZoom <= 1! Or yZoom <= 1! Then
        imgStyle.zoom = "100%"
        imgStyle.zoom = Format(IIf(xZoom < yZoom, xZoom, yZoom), "0.000%")
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
End Sub

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant)
    Dim doc As Object
    Set doc = pDisp.Document
    Dim body As Object
    Set body = doc.body
    With body.runtimeStyle
        .padding = "0"
        .margin = "0"
        .overflow = "hidden"
        .BorderStyle = "none"
        .backgroundColor = "ThreeDFace"
    End With
    Set img = doc.getElementsByTagName("IMG")(0)
    baseWidth = img.clientWidth
    baseHeight = img.clientHeight
    Set imgStyle = img.runtimeStyle
    imgStyle.margin = "0"
End Sub

- 関連一覧ツリー をクリックするとツリー全体を一括表示します)
