ピクチャーを回転して表示(90度毎  角度指定)       (085)
Option Explicit   'SampleNo=085 WindowsXP VB6.0(SP5) 2002.05.17

Private Sub Form_Load()
  Dim i As Integer
  For i = 0 To 4
    Picture1(i).ScaleMode = 3
  Next i
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
  Dim co1 As Double, co2 As Double, co3 As Double, co4 As Double
  Dim si1 As Double, si2 As Double, si3 As Double, si4 As Double
  Dim x1 As Long, x2  As Long, x3  As Long, x4  As Long
  Dim y1 As Long, y2  As Long, y3  As Long, y4  As Long
  Dim x  As Long, y   As Long
  Dim c  As Long
  Dim i  As Integer

  co1 = Cos(1.57) '90 * 3.1417 / 180
  si1 = Sin(1.57)
  co2 = Cos(3.14) '180 * 3.1417 / 180
  si2 = Sin(3.14)
  co3 = Cos(4.71) '270 * 3.1417 / 180
  si3 = Sin(4.71)
  co4 = Cos(0.785) '45 * 3.1417 / 180
  si4 = Sin(0.785)
  Picture1(0).ScaleLeft = -Picture1(0).ScaleWidth \ 2
  Picture1(0).ScaleTop = -Picture1(0).ScaleHeight \ 2
  Picture1(1).ScaleLeft = -Picture1(1).ScaleWidth \ 2
  Picture1(1).ScaleTop = -Picture1(1).ScaleHeight \ 2
  Picture1(2).ScaleLeft = -Picture1(2).ScaleWidth \ 2
  Picture1(2).ScaleTop = -Picture1(2).ScaleHeight \ 2
  Picture1(3).ScaleLeft = -Picture1(3).ScaleWidth \ 2
  Picture1(3).ScaleTop = -Picture1(3).ScaleHeight \ 2
  Picture1(4).ScaleLeft = -Picture1(4).ScaleWidth \ 2
  Picture1(4).ScaleTop = -Picture1(4).ScaleHeight \ 2
  For i = 1 To 4
    Set Picture1(i).Picture = LoadPicture()
  Next i
  For x = -Picture1(0).ScaleWidth \ 2 To Picture1(0).ScaleWidth \ 2
    For y = -Picture1(0).ScaleHeight \ 2 To Picture1(0).ScaleHeight \ 2
      x1 = x * co1 - y * si1
      y1 = x * si1 + y * co1
      x2 = x * co2 - y * si2
      y2 = x * si2 + y * co2
      x3 = x * co3 - y * si3
      y3 = x * si3 + y * co3
      x4 = x * co4 - y * si4
      y4 = x * si4 + y * co4
      c = Picture1(0).Point(x, y)
      If c <> -1 Then
        Picture1(1).PSet (x1, y1), c
        Picture1(2).PSet (x2, y2), c
        Picture1(3).PSet (x3, y3), c
        Picture1(4).PSet (x4, y4), c
      End If
    Next y
  Next x
End Sub

    結 果

ピクチャーボックスに描いた画像等は AutoRedraw プロパティをTrue に設定しておかないとフォームの後ろ等に隠れたりした時画像が消えます。
