タイトル | : 所定の位置に「×」ではなく数字に置き換えるには? |
記事No | : 11599 |
投稿日 | : 2008/03/01(Sat) 22:55 |
投稿者 | : tea |
ある所定の位置に横1列に「×」もしくは「=」を7つ表示させるよう にしてあるんですが、これを「×」の箇所のみを設定した時間から経過 した時間を引いて最初の1文字(例えば3など)を表示するようにした いんです。
'チャージドタイムアウト時の残り時間 Public Function TimeOutMin() Dim A As Integer Dim b As Integer Dim c As Integer
A = Left(vsGameTime.Value / 60, 1) b = Game.Setting.QuarterMinutes c = b - A End Function
RScoreSheeetCommanderクラス内の以下の箇所にあります。 また関係するコードも記載します。
Option Explicit
Implements IPrintCommander Private Type URunningScore
ColWidth As Single RowHeight As Single MarginWidth As Single RowsInDivide As Long End Type
Private Type URScoreSheetCommander Game As Game RunningScore As URunningScore End Type
Private mp As URScoreSheetCommander
Private Sub drawTeam(ByVal PE As PrintEngine, _ ByVal Left As Single, ByVal Top As Single, _ ByVal LeftColWidth As Single, _ ByVal RightColWidth As Single, _ ByVal TeamFoulMarginWidth As Single, _ ByVal TeamFaulColWidth As Single, _ ByVal RowHeight As Single, _ ByVal TeamMarginHeight As Single) Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim ixTeam As Long Dim ixQuarter As BBQuarter Dim ixPlayer As Long Dim cRows As Long, cCols As Long Dim cLefts As Long, cRights As Long Dim ixCol As Long, ixRow As Long Dim ixCoach As Long, oCoach As Player Dim w As Single, h As Single Const cNameCols = 8 With PE For ixTeam = 0 To 1 '---チャージドタイムアウトの表示。------------------------- ixRow = ixRow + 1 For i = bbTimeOutMin To bbTimeOutMax .DrawMatrixBox i, ixRow, 1, 1 If mp.Game.Team(ixTeam).TimeOutted(i) Then '---以下が「×」を表示するコードですが、.DrawMatrixCross の代わりに経過時間を表示させる。--- .DrawMatrixCross i, ixRow, 1, 1, colorByQuarter _ (mp.Game.Team(ixTeam).TimeOutted(i)) Else '「=」ダブルラインを表示する。 .DrawMatrixCenterDoubleLine i, ixRow, 1, 0.95, _ colorByQuarter(mp.Game.Team(ixTeam).TimeOutted(i)) End If Next .DrawMatrixCrossはPrintEngineクラス内に
Option Explicit
Private Type UMatrix Left As Single Top As Single CellWidth As Single CellHeight As Single End Type Private Type UPrintEngine Canvas As Object BlackAndWhite As Boolean Ratio As Single ScaleRight As Single ScaleBottom As Single XOffset As Single YOffset As Single Matrix As UMatrix LastForeColor As Long LastFont As StdFont LastDrawWidth As Long LastFillStyle As Long LastFillColor As Long End Type
Private mp As UPrintEngine
Public Sub DrawMatrixCross(ByVal Col As Single, _ ByVal Row As Single, _ ByVal Cols As Single, _ ByVal Rows As Single, _ Optional ByVal Color As Variant = Empty) With makeMatrixRect(Col, Row, Cols, Rows) drawLine .Left, .Top, .Right, .Bottom, False, Color drawLine .Left, .Top, .Right, .Bottom, True, Color End With End Sub
makeMatrixRectは同じクラス内にあり・・・ Private Function makeMatrixRect(ByVal Col As Single, _ ByVal Row As Single, _ ByVal Cols As Single, _ ByVal Rows As Single) As UPrintRectangle With mp.Matrix makeMatrixRect.Left = .Left + (Col - 1) * .CellWidth makeMatrixRect.Top = .Top + (Row - 1) * .CellHeight makeMatrixRect.Right = makeMatrixRect.Left + .CellWidth * Cols makeMatrixRect.Bottom = makeMatrixRect.Top + .CellHeight * Rows End With End Function
以上なんですが、わかっていることは前述の.DrawMatrixCrossを置き換えること で対処できると思うんですが、その方法がわかりません。
基礎的な事柄かもしれませんが教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。