投稿時間:2007/04/10(Tue) 18:02 投稿者名:なな
タイトル:Re^12: PictureBox上のLineを回転させる方法
回転と、左右回転のアドバイス。テストなど ご回答ありがとうございます。
「解決した」と思っていましたが、画像も同時に回転してみると問題がありました。 教えていただいたソースを組込むとx1,y1を中心に回転しており、画像にラインがついてきていません・・・。
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32" _ (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" _ (ByVal hDC As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CreateDIBSection Lib "gdi32" _ (ByVal hDC As Long, _ ByRef pBitmapInfo As BITMAPINFO, _ ByVal un As Long, _ ByRef lplpVoid As Long, _ ByVal handle As Long, _ ByVal dw As Long) As Long Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" _ (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" _ (ByVal hDC As Long, _ ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" _ (ByVal hDestDC As Long, _ ByVal X As Long, _ ByVal Y As Long, _ ByVal nWidth As Long, _ ByVal nHeight As Long, _ ByVal hSrcDC As Long, _ ByVal xSrc As Long, _ ByVal ySrc As Long, _ ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetDIBits Lib "gdi32" _ (ByVal aHDC As Long, _ ByVal hBitmap As Long, _ ByVal nStartScan As Long, _ ByVal nNumScans As Long, _ ByRef lpBits As Any, _ ByRef lpBI As BITMAPINFO, _ ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetDIBits Lib "gdi32" _ (ByVal hDC As Long, _ ByVal hBitmap As Long, _ ByVal nStartScan As Long, _ ByVal nNumScans As Long, _ ByRef lpBits As Any, _ ByRef lpBI As BITMAPINFO, _ ByVal wUsage As Long) As Long Private Type BITMAPINFOHEADER biSize As Long biWidth As Long biHeight As Long biPlanes As Integer biBitCount As Integer biCompression As Long biSizeImage As Long biXPelsPerMeter As Long biYPelsPerMeter As Long biClrUsed As Long biClrImportant As Long End Type Private Type RGBQUAD rgbBlue As Byte rgbGreen As Byte rgbRed As Byte rgbReserved As Byte End Type Private Type BITMAPINFO bmiHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiColors As RGBQUAD End Type
Const PAI = 3.1415926 Dim R As Double Dim T As Double
'ピクチャボックスを90度回転させます Public Sub PicRot90(ByRef myPicture As PictureBox) Const SRCCOPY = &HCC0020 Const DIB_RGB_COLORS = 0& Const BI_RGB = 0& Dim myContainer As Object Dim intScaleMode As Integer Dim sngScaleWidth As Single Dim sngScaleHeight As Single Dim sngScaleLeft As Single Dim sngScaleTop As Single Dim lngWidth As Long Dim lngHeight As Long Dim XX As Long Dim YY As Long Dim hDC_Temp As Long Dim hDC_Object As Long Dim hBitmap As Long Dim ppvBits As Long Dim myBMPINFO As BITMAPINFO Dim myBMPINFO1 As BITMAPINFO Dim myBMPINFO2 As BITMAPINFO Dim lngArray() As Long Dim lngArray2() As Long Dim blnAutoRedraw As Boolean Dim blnVisible As Boolean Dim lngResult As Long
With myPicture '継続表示属性でなかった絵は消えます blnAutoRedraw = .AutoRedraw .AutoRedraw = True
'表示画像サイズ取得 lngWidth = .ScaleX(.ScaleWidth, .ScaleMode, vbPixels) lngHeight = .ScaleY(.ScaleHeight, .ScaleMode, vbPixels)
'作業用hDC取得 hDC_Temp = CreateCompatibleDC(.hDC) '作業用hBitmap作成 With myBMPINFO With .bmiHeader .biSize = LenB(myBMPINFO.bmiHeader) .biWidth = lngWidth .biHeight = lngHeight .biPlanes = 1 .biBitCount = 32 .biCompression = BI_RGB End With End With hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(hDC_Temp, myBMPINFO, DIB_RGB_COLORS, ppvBits, 0, 0)
'画像コピー(現在のコントロールサイズ分) hDC_Object = SelectObject(hDC_Temp, hBitmap) lngResult = BitBlt(hDC_Temp, 0, 0, lngWidth, lngHeight, .hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) Call SelectObject(hDC_Temp, hDC_Object)
'元画像用の配列を確保 ReDim lngArray(0 To lngWidth - 1, 0 To lngHeight - 1)
'画像コピーから色配列取得 myBMPINFO1.bmiHeader.biSize = Len(myBMPINFO1.bmiHeader) lngResult = GetDIBits(hDC_Temp, hBitmap, 0, lngHeight, ByVal 0&, _ myBMPINFO1, DIB_RGB_COLORS) lngResult = GetDIBits(hDC_Temp, hBitmap, 0, lngHeight, lngArray(0, 0), _ myBMPINFO1, DIB_RGB_COLORS) '作業用hBitMapを削除 Call DeleteObject(hBitmap)
'加工用の配列を確保 ReDim lngArray2(0 To lngHeight - 1, 0 To lngWidth - 1)
'色配列を加工(時計回りに90度) For YY = 0 To lngHeight - 1 For XX = 0 To lngWidth - 1 lngArray2(YY, (lngWidth - 1) - XX) = lngArray(XX, YY) Next Next
'加工後のhBitmap作成 With myBMPINFO With .bmiHeader .biSize = LenB(myBMPINFO.bmiHeader) .biWidth = lngHeight .biHeight = lngWidth .biPlanes = 1 .biBitCount = 32 .biCompression = BI_RGB End With End With hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(hDC_Temp, myBMPINFO, DIB_RGB_COLORS, ppvBits, 0, 0)
'色配列をBitmapへ myBMPINFO2.bmiHeader.biSize = Len(myBMPINFO2.bmiHeader) lngResult = GetDIBits(hDC_Temp, hBitmap, 0, lngWidth, ByVal 0&, myBMPINFO2, DIB_RGB_COLORS) 'GetDIBits後でなければSetDIBitsに失敗するので lngResult = GetDIBits(hDC_Temp, hBitmap, 0, lngWidth, lngArray(0, 0), _ myBMPINFO2, DIB_RGB_COLORS) Erase lngArray '不要 lngResult = SetDIBits(hDC_Temp, hBitmap, 0, lngWidth, lngArray2(0, 0), _ myBMPINFO2, DIB_RGB_COLORS) Erase lngArray2 '不要
'コンテナ移動が発生するのを隠すのが主な目的 blnVisible = .Visible ' .Visible = False
'コンテナをフォームに(コントロール位置・サイズ変更計算簡略化の為) Set myContainer = .Container Set .Container = .Parent
'フォームのScaleを保存 With .Parent intScaleMode = .ScaleMode If .ScaleMode = vbUser Then sngScaleLeft = .ScaleLeft sngScaleTop = .ScaleTop sngScaleWidth = .ScaleWidth sngScaleHeight = .ScaleHeight End If .ScaleMode = vbPixels End With
'コントロール位置・サイズを調整 .Move .Left, .Top, .Height, .Width
'ピクチャボックスへ転記 hDC_Object = SelectObject(hDC_Temp, hBitmap) lngResult = BitBlt(.hDC, 0, 0, lngHeight, lngWidth, hDC_Temp, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) Call SelectObject(hDC_Temp, hDC_Object)
'不要になったハンドルを削除 Call DeleteObject(hBitmap) Call DeleteDC(hDC_Temp)
'元の状態へ戻す With .Parent If intScaleMode = vbUser Then .ScaleLeft = sngScaleLeft .ScaleTop = sngScaleTop .ScaleWidth = sngScaleWidth .ScaleHeight = sngScaleHeight Else .ScaleMode = intScaleMode End If End With Set .Container = myContainer .Visible = blnVisible .AutoRedraw = blnAutoRedraw End With End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click() Picture1.Visible = False Call PicRot90(Picture1) Picture1.Visible = True
T = T + Radian(90) Line1.X2 = R * Cos(T) + Line1.X1 Line1.Y2 = R * Sin(T) + Line1.Y1
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\sample.bmp") With Line1 R = Sqr((.X2 - .X1) ^ 2 + (.Y2 - .Y1) ^ 2) T = ArcTan(.X2 - .X1, .Y2 - .Y1) End With End Sub
Private Function Radian(D As Double) As Double Radian = PAI * D / 180 End Function
Private Function ArcTan(X As Double, Y As Double) As Double Select Case X Case Is > 0 ArcTan = Atn(Y / X) Case Is < 0 ArcTan = Atn(Y / X) + PAI Case Else ArcTan = Sgn(Y) * PAI / 2 End Select End Function