投稿時間:2002/12/12(Thu) 21:26 投稿者名:Lantern
タイトル:Re^3: 特定の文字の数
試してみました 'test1:1文字づつ比較 'test2:文字検索 test1 test2 1回目: 0.1605 0.0064375 2回目: 0.1595625 0.0133125 3回目: 0.16175 0.0076875 4回目: 0.173375 0.0015 5回目: 0.1605 0.0064375 test1については2通り試してみました(コメントと非コメント) が同じくらいでした
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer Dim l As Long Dim lLen As Long Dim bCnt As Integer Dim lPos As Long Dim strTestString As String Dim sCmp As String Dim sTm As Single strTestString$ = vbNullString For i% = 0 To 9999 strTestString$ = strTestString$ & "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" Next i% 'test1 sTm! = Timer! ' lLen& = Len(strTestString$) bCnt% = 0 l& = 0& Do sCmp$ = Mid$(strTestString$, l& + 1&, 1&) If sCmp$ = vbNullString Then Exit Do End If If StrComp(sCmp$, "c", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then bCnt% = bCnt% + 1 End If l& = l& + 1& Loop While True ' For l& = 1& To lLen& - 1& ' If StrComp(Mid$(strTestString$, l&, 1), "c", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then ' bCnt% = bCnt% + 1 ' End If ' Next l& Me.Label1.Caption = Timer! - sTm! ' MsgBox ("COUNT" & CStr(bCnt%)) 'test2 sTm! = Timer! lPos& = 0& bCnt% = 0 Do lPos& = InStr(lPos& + 1&, strTestString$, "c", vbBinaryCompare) If lPos& > 0& Then bCnt% = bCnt% + 1 End If Loop Until lPos& <= 0& Me.Label2.Caption = Timer! - sTm! 'MsgBox ("COUNT" & CStr(bCnt%)) End Sub