フォームの背景にグラデーションを描く      (053)

Option Explicit   'SampleNo=053 WindowsXP VB6.0(SP5) 2002.05.12

Private Function GetRed(colorVal As Long) As Integer
  GetRed = colorVal Mod 256
End Function

Private Function GetGreen(colorVal As Long) As Integer
  GetGreen = ((colorVal And &HFF00FF00) \ 256&)
End Function

Private Function GetBlue(colorVal As Long) As Integer
  GetBlue = (colorVal And &HFF0000) \ (256& * 256&)
End Function

Private Sub Form_Load()
  Form1.Move 0, 0, 6000, 5000
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Paint()
  Dim newColor  As Long
  Dim ipixel   As Integer
  Dim PWidth   As Integer
  Dim redInc   As Single
  Dim greenInc  As Single
  Dim blueInc  As Single
  Dim color1   As Long
  Dim color2   As Long
  Dim startRed  As Integer
  Dim startGreen As Integer
  Dim startBlue As Integer
  Dim endRed   As Integer
  Dim endGreen  As Integer
  Dim endBlue  As Integer
  Dim lngheight As Long
  color1 = &HFF0000      'StartColor
  color2 = &HFFFFC0      'EndColor

  startRed = GetRed(color1)
  endRed = GetRed(color2)
  startGreen = GetGreen(color1)
  endGreen = GetGreen(color2)
  startBlue = GetBlue(color1)
  endBlue = GetBlue(color2)
  lngheight = Form1.Height
  PWidth = Form1.ScaleWidth
  If PWidth <= 0 Then Exit Sub    '最小化の場合
  redInc = (endRed - startRed) / PWidth
  greenInc = (endGreen - startGreen) / PWidth
  blueInc = (endBlue - startBlue) / PWidth

  For ipixel = 0 To PWidth - 1
    newColor = RGB(startRed + redInc * ipixel, startGreen _
        + greenInc * ipixel, startBlue + blueInc * ipixel)
    Line (ipixel, 0)-(ipixel, lngheight - 1), newColor
End Sub

