指定のフォルダー内の画像を読込PictureBoxに縮小画像を並べて表示  (160)
   'PictureBox 3個 VScrollBar・CommandButton・FileListBox 各1個
'Picture2 は Picture1 の中に貼り付けて下さい。大きさ・配置は下記にて

Option Explicit  
'SampleNo=160 WindowsXP VB6.0(SP5) 2002.07.03

Private Sub Command1_Click()
  File1.Path = "c:\windows"  '画像が入っているフォルダーを指定
  File1.Pattern = "*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif"
  Picture2.Cls    '一旦表示を消去
  Call PictureShow  '表示のプロシージャへ
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
  Me.WindowState = vbMaximized
  With Picture1
    .BorderStyle = 0
    .Move 200, 200, 14700, 9500
    .AutoRedraw = True
    .Appearance = 0
    .BackColor = Me.BackColor
  End With
  With Picture2
    .BorderStyle = 0
    .Move 0, 0, 18000, 9500
    .AutoRedraw = True
    .Appearance = 0
    .BackColor = &HFF0000
  End With
  With Picture3
    .Move 0, 0
    .AutoRedraw = True
    .Appearance = 0
    .Visible = False
    .AutoSize = True
  End With
  Command1.Move 500, 9900, 1700, 400
  VScroll1.Visible = False
  File1.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub PictureShow()
  Dim x As Long, y As Long, i      As Long, Zoom  As Single
  Dim LineHei   As Long, Pic3Wid   As Long, Pic3Hei As Long
  Dim Pic3WidZoom As Long, Pic3HeiZoom As Long
  Zoom = 0.2           '縮小率の設定
  On Error Resume Next      'ファイルの読み込みエラー等が発生するので
  For i = 0 To File1.ListCount - 1  'フォルダー内で見つかったファイル数
    Set Picture3.Picture = LoadPicture(File1.Path & "\" & File1.List(i))
    ' Label1.Caption = File1.Path & "\" & filFile.List(i)
    ' Label2.Caption = " " & i + 1 & " / " & filFile.ListCount & " 件"
    ' DoEvents
    If Err Then
      MsgBox "ファイルの読み込みでエラーが発生しました" & _
                  File1.Path & "\" & File1.List(i)
      Exit For
    End If
    Pic3Wid = Picture3.Width
    Pic3Hei = Picture3.Height
    Pic3WidZoom = Pic3Wid * Zoom
    Pic3HeiZoom = Pic3Hei * Zoom
    If x > 14700 - Pic3WidZoom Then
      x = 0
      y = y + LineHei + 20
      LineHei = 0
      If y >= 7500 Then  '現在の表示高さ以上の場合
        Picture2.Top = 7500 - y   'スクロールしながら読み込み
      End If
    End If
    If LineHei < Pic3HeiZoom Then
      LineHei = Pic3HeiZoom
    End If
    If y > 100000 Then
      MsgBox "データが多すぎます。縮小して表示して下さい。"
      Exit For
    End If
    If Picture2.Height < LineHei + y + 1000 Then
      Picture2.Height = LineHei + y + 1000
    End If
    Picture2.PaintPicture Picture3.Picture, x, y, Pic3WidZoom, _
                  Pic3HeiZoom, 0, 0, Pic3Wid, Pic3Hei
    x = x + Pic3WidZoom + 30
  Next i
  Picture2.Top = 0
  Call ScrollBarShow
End Sub

Private Sub ScrollBarShow()
  Dim Pic1H As Long, Pic1W As Long, Pic1L As Long, Pic1T As Long
  Dim Pic2H As Long, Pic2W As Long
  With Picture1
    Pic1H = .Height
    Pic1W = .Width
    Pic1L = .Left
    Pic1T = .Top
  End With
  With Picture2
    Pic2H = .Height
    Pic2W = .Width
  End With
  With VScroll1
    .Top = Pic1T
    .Left = Pic1L + Pic1W
    .Height = Pic1H
    .Max = 100
    .Visible = (Pic1H < Pic2H)
  End With
End Sub

Private Sub VScroll1_Change()
  Picture2.Top = -((Picture2.Height - 10000) * (VScroll1.Value / 100))
End Sub
時々、PictureBox のスクロールの仕方や表示位置の指定方法、スクロールしながらの表示の
StretchBlt APIを使って縮小画像を転送すると綺麗な縮小画像を表示する事ができるのですが
