- 日時: 2014/12/02 12:45
- 名前: 魔界の仮面弁士
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* カテゴリー:[ダイアログ][][] * キーワード: ファイルを開く, Unicode, , , , ***********************************************************************************
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function MessageBoxW Lib "USER32" (ByVal hWnd As OLE_HANDLE, ByVal pszText As OLE_HANDLE, ByVal pszCaption As OLE_HANDLE, ByVal uType As VbMsgBoxStyle) As VbMsgBoxResult Private Declare Function GetOpenFileNameW Lib "comdlg32" (ByRef pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long Private Type OPENFILENAME lStructSize As Long '[DWORD] hwndOwner As Long '[HWND] hInstance As Long '[HINSTANCE] lpstrFilter As Long '[LPCTSTR] lpstrCustomFilter As Long '[LPTSTR] nMaxCustFilter As Long '[DWORD] nFilterIndex As Long '[DWORD] lpstrFile As Long '[LPTSTR] nMaxFile As Long '[DWORD] lpstrFileTitle As Long '[LPTSTR] nMaxFileTitle As Long '[DWORD] lpstrInitialDir As Long '[LPCTSTR] lpstrTitle As Long '[LPCTSTR] flags As Long '[DWORD] nFileOffset As Integer '[WORD] nFileExtension As Integer '[WORD] lpstrDefExt As Long '[LPCTSTR] lCustData As Long '[LPARAM] lpfnHook As Long '[LPOFNHOOKPROC] lpTemplateName As Long '[LPCTSTR] pvReserved As Long '[void *] dwReserved As Long '[DWORD] FlagsEx As Long '[DWORD] End Type
'Unicode 対応版「メッセージボックス」 Public Function MsgBoxW(ByVal sMessage As String, Optional ByVal style As VbMsgBoxStyle = vbOKOnly, Optional ByVal sCaption As String = vbNullString) As VbMsgBoxResult Dim h As OLE_HANDLE If Not Screen.ActiveForm Is Nothing Then h = Screen.ActiveForm.hWnd End If sMessage = sMessage & vbNullChar If StrPtr(sCaption) = 0 Then sCaption = App.EXEName & vbNullChar Else sCaption = sCaption & vbNullChar End If MsgBoxW = MessageBoxW(h, StrPtr(sMessage), StrPtr(sCaption), style) End Function
'Unicode 対応版「FileOpen ダイアログ」 ' filterPattern は "テキストファイル| Public Function DlgShowOpen(ByVal initialDirectory As String, ByVal filterPattern As String, Optional ByVal dialogTitle As String = vbNullString) As String Const OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST As Long = &H1000 Const OFN_HIDEREADONLY As Long = &H4 Const OFN_EX_NOPLACESBAR As Long = &H1
Dim ofnFlags As Long ofnFlags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST Or OFN_HIDEREADONLY Dim strFile As String strFile = String(512, 0)
Dim strFileFilter As String strFileFilter = Replace(filterPattern, "|", vbNullChar) & String(2, 0) If StrPtr(initialDirectory) <> 0 Then initialDirectory = initialDirectory & vbNullChar End If
If StrPtr(dialogTitle) <> 0 Then dialogTitle = dialogTitle & vbNullChar End If
Dim udtOFN As OPENFILENAME With udtOFN .lStructSize = Len(udtOFN) If Screen.ActiveForm Is Nothing Then .hwndOwner = 0& Else .hwndOwner = Screen.ActiveForm.hWnd End If
.hInstance = App.hInstance .lpstrFilter = StrPtr(strFileFilter) .nFilterIndex = 1 .lpstrFile = StrPtr(strFile) 'パス取得用バッファ .nMaxFile = Len(strFile) .lpstrInitialDir = StrPtr(initialDirectory) .lpstrTitle = StrPtr(dialogTitle) .flags = ofnFlags '.FlagsEx = OFN_EX_NOPLACESBAR .FlagsEx = 0&
.nFileOffset = 0 .nFileExtension = 0 .nMaxCustFilter = 0& .lpstrFileTitle = 0& .nMaxFileTitle = 0& .lpstrCustomFilter = 0& .nMaxCustFilter = 0& .lpstrDefExt = 0& .lCustData = 0& .lpfnHook = 0& .lpTemplateName = 0& .pvReserved = 0& .dwReserved = 0& End With Dim lngResult As Long lngResult = GetOpenFileNameW(udtOFN) If lngResult = 0& Then 'キャンセルされた場合 DlgShowOpen = vbNullString Else DlgShowOpen = Split(strFile & vbNullChar, vbNullChar, 2, vbBinaryCompare)(0) End If End Function
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim s As String s = DlgShowOpen("C:\Program Files\", "実行ファイル|*.exe|設定ファイル|*.ini;*.inf|全てのファイル|*.*")
If s = "" Then MsgBox "キャンセル", vbExclamation Else MsgBoxW s, vbInformation End If End Sub