- 日時: 2010/01/20 11:30
- 名前: 魔界の仮面弁士
- ***********************************************************************************
* カテゴリー:[コントロール共通][マウス][] * * キーワード:MouseEnter,MouseLeave,ボタン上にカーソル,マウスポインター,MouseMove * ***********************************************************************************
「マウスが離れた時のイベント」を組み込む際には、SetCapture API による 実装が知られています(過去ログにも登場しています)。
ただし、「コントロール配列」や「ウィンドウレスコントロール」には 対応させ難いため、利用範囲が多少限定される事になります。
'=========================================================================== 'クラスモジュール「IButtonLeave」 Option Explicit
Public Sub MouseLeaveCallback(ByVal Button As VB.CommandButton) End Sub
Public Sub MouseEnterCallback(ByVal Button As VB.CommandButton) End Sub
'=========================================================================== 'フォームモジュール「Form1」…ボタンを数個貼っておく Option Explicit
Implements IButtonLeave Private Samples As VBA.Collection
Private Sub Form_Load() 'Add したもののみが対象です。 Set Samples = New VBA.Collection Samples.Add CreateSample(Command1) Samples.Add CreateSample(Command2) Samples.Add CreateSample(Command3) End Sub
Private Function CreateSample(ByVal Button As CommandButton) As Sample Set CreateSample = New Sample CreateSample.Initialize Button End Function
Private Sub IButtonLeave_MouseEnterCallback(ByVal Button As CommandButton) Button.Caption = "Enter" End Sub
Private Sub IButtonLeave_MouseLeaveCallback(ByVal Button As CommandButton) Button.Caption = "Leave" End Sub
'=========================================================================== 'クラスモジュール「Sample」 Option Explicit
Private Declare Function SetCapture Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetCapture Lib "user32" () As Long Private Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32" () As Long
Private mOwner As IButtonLeave Private WithEvents mButton As VB.CommandButton
Public Sub Initialize(ByVal Button As VB.CommandButton) Set mOwner = Button.Parent Set mButton = Button End Sub
Private Sub mButton_MouseMove(MouseButton As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) If X >= 0 And X < mButton.Width And Y >= 0 And Y < mButton.Height Then If GetCapture() <> mButton.hWnd Then mOwner.MouseEnterCallback mButton SetCapture mButton.hWnd End If Else mOwner.MouseLeaveCallback mButton ReleaseCapture End If End Sub '===========================================================================