tagCANDY CGI VBレスキュー(花ちゃん) - VBレスキュー(花ちゃん)の投稿サンプル用掲示板 - Visual Basic 6.0 VB2005 VB2010
     サンプル投稿用掲示板  VB2005 〜 用トップページ  VB6.0 用 トップページ
PictureBoxにWEBカメラの動画を表示させる方法(VB.NET) ( No.0 )  [親スレッドへ]
日時: 2013/01/25 09:13
名前: 花ちゃん

* カテゴリー:[描画・画像][周辺機器][]                                            *
* キーワード:動画,USBカメラ,WEBカメラ,ライブ映像,DirectShow,                     *

元質問:PictureBoxにUSBカメラの画像を.. - VBはじめたて 2006/02/06-09:57 No.3052


Re^2: PictureBoxにUSBカメラの.. - YAS  2006/02/17-02:28 No.3133

Imports QuartzTypeLib
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Public Class Form1

    Const DeviceName As String = "Video Blaster WebCam 3/WebCam Plus (WDM)"
    Const CapturePinName As String = "キャプチャ"
    Private VideoWindow As New PictureBox
    Private PictureBox As New PictureBox
    WithEvents Button As New Button
    Private FM As New FilgraphManager

    Private Sub Form1_Load( _
        ByVal sender As System.Object, _
        ByVal e As System.EventArgs _
    ) Handles MyBase.Load
        Me.Size = New Size(640, 300)
        Me.VideoWindow.Size = New Size(320, 240)
        Me.VideoWindow.Location = New Point(0, 0)
        Me.PictureBox.Size = New Size(320, 240)
        Me.PictureBox.Location = New Point(320, 0)
        Me.Button.Location = New Point(0, 240)
        Me.Button.Text = "キャプチャ"
        AddFilter(FM, DeviceName)
        RenderPin(FM, DeviceName, CapturePinName)
        Dim VW As IVideoWindow = DirectCast(FM, IVideoWindow)
        With VW
            .WindowStyle = CInt(&H6000000)
            .SetWindowPosition(0, 0, Me.VideoWindow.Width, Me.VideoWindow.Height)
            .Owner = Me.VideoWindow.Handle
        End With
        VW = Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
        If FM IsNot Nothing Then Marshal.ReleaseComObject(FM)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click( _
        ByVal sender As System.Object, _
        ByVal e As System.EventArgs _
    ) Handles Button.Click
        Dim BV As IBasicVideo2 = DirectCast(FM, IBasicVideo2)
        Dim BVdotNet As IBasicVideo2dotNET = DirectCast(FM, IBasicVideo2dotNET)
        Dim BufferSize As Integer
        BVdotNet.GetCurrentImage(BufferSize, IntPtr.Zero)
        Dim DIBImage As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(BufferSize)
        BVdotNet.GetCurrentImage(BufferSize, DIBImage)
        Dim Bmp As New Bitmap( _
            BV.SourceWidth, _
            BV.SourceHeight, _
            -4 * BV.SourceWidth, _
            Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb, _
            CType(CType(DIBImage, Integer) + (BufferSize - 4 * BV.SourceWidth),IntPtr))
        Me.PictureBox.Image = New Bitmap(Bmp, Me.PictureBox.Size)
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddFilter(ByVal Graph As FilgraphManager, ByVal FilterName As String)
        Dim RegFilterCollection As Object = Nothing
        Dim Filter As IFilterInfo = Nothing
            RegFilterCollection = Graph.RegFilterCollection
            For Each objFilter As IRegFilterInfo In RegFilterCollection
                If objFilter.Name = FilterName Then
                    Exit For
                End If
            If Filter IsNot Nothing Then Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Filter)
            If RegFilterCollection IsNot Nothing Then _
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Sub RenderPin(ByVal Graph As FilgraphManager, _
    ByVal FilterName As String, ByVal PinName As String)
        Dim FilterCollection As Object = Nothing
        Dim Pins As Object = Nothing
            FilterCollection = Graph.FilterCollection
            For Each Filter As IFilterInfo In FilterCollection
                If Filter.Name = FilterName Then
                    Pins = Filter.Pins
                    For Each Pin As IPinInfo In Pins
                        If Pin.Name = PinName Then
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    Exit For
                End If
            If FilterCollection IsNot Nothing Then Marshal.ReleaseComObject(FilterCollection)
            If Pins IsNot Nothing Then Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Pins)
        End Try
    End Sub

    <ComVisible(True), _
    ComImport(), _
    Guid("329bb360-f6ea-11d1-9038-00a0c9697298"), _
    InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)> _
    Public Interface IBasicVideo2dotNET

        <PreserveSig()> Function AvgTimePerFrame( _
            <Out()> ByVal pAvgTimePerFrame As Double _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function BitRate(<Out()> ByVal pBitRate As Integer) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function BitErrorRate(<Out()> ByVal pBitRate As Integer) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function VideoWidth(<Out()> ByVal pVideoWidth As Integer) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function VideoHeight( _
            <Out()> ByVal pVideoHeight As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function put_SourceLeft(ByVal SourceLeft As Integer) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function get_SourceLeft( _
            <Out()> ByVal pSourceLeft As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function put_SourceWidth(ByVal SourceWidth As Integer) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function get_SourceWidth( _
            <Out()> ByVal pSourceWidth As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function put_SourceTop(ByVal SourceTop As Integer) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function get_SourceTop( _
            <Out()> ByVal pSourceTop As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function put_SourceHeight(ByVal SourceHeight As Integer) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function get_SourceHeight( _
            <Out()> ByVal pSourceHeight As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function put_DestinationLeft( _
            ByVal DestinationLeft As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function get_DestinationLeft( _
            <Out()> ByVal pDestinationLeft As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function put_DestinationWidth( _
            ByVal DestinationWidth As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function get_DestinationWidth( _
            <Out()> ByVal pDestinationWidth As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function put_DestinationTop( _
            ByVal DestinationTop As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function get_DestinationTop( _
            <Out()> ByVal pDestinationTop As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function put_DestinationHeight( _
            ByVal DestinationHeight As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function get_DestinationHeight( _
            <Out()> ByVal pDestinationHeight As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function SetSourcePosition( _
            ByVal left As Integer, _
            ByVal top As Integer, _
            ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function GetSourcePosition( _
            <Out()> ByVal left As Integer, _
            <Out()> ByVal top As Integer, _
            <Out()> ByVal width As Integer, _
            <Out()> ByVal height As Integer _
         ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function SetDefaultSourcePosition() As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function SetDestinationPosition( _
            ByVal left As Integer, _
            ByVal top As Integer,  _
            ByVal width As Integer, _
            ByVal height As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function GetDestinationPosition( _
            <Out()> ByVal left As Integer, _
            <Out()> ByVal top As Integer, _
            <Out()> ByVal width As Integer, _
            <Out()> ByVal height As Integer _
         ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function SetDefaultDestinationPosition() As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function GetVideoSize( _
            <Out()> ByVal pWidth As Integer, _
            <Out()> ByVal pHeight As Integer _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function GetVideoPaletteEntries( _
            ByVal StartIndex As Integer, _
            ByVal Entries As Integer, _
            <Out()> ByVal pRetrieved As Integer, _
            ByVal pPalette As IntPtr _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function GetCurrentImage( _
            ByRef pBufferSize As Integer, _
            ByVal pDIBImage As IntPtr _
        ) As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function IsUsingDefaultSource() As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function IsUsingDefaultDestination() As Integer
        <PreserveSig()> Function GetPreferredAspectRatio( _
            <Out()> ByVal plAspectX As Integer, _
            <Out()> ByVal plAspectY As Integer _
        ) As Integer

    End Interface

End Class


こちらは、私も動作確認をしております。VB2010 / Windows 7

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