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投稿日: 2004/06/03(Thu) 14:11
タイトルRe^7: PictureBoxでズーム・スクロールする

ですが結局、スクロール, ズームの度に再描画する設計がおかしい気がむんむんします(笑
またスクロールの制御ですが、Change, Scroll 双方で拾う形でやってみようと思います。

Dim lngOrgHeight As Long
Dim lngOrgWidth As Long

Dim pointHeight As Long
Dim pointWidth As Long

Dim iniFlg As Boolean

Private Sub swichPicture()
    Dim p1sw    As Long     'picture3.ScaleWidth
    Dim p1sh    As Long     'picture3.ScaleHeight
    Dim newPointWidth   As Double
    Dim newPointHeight  As Double
    If iniFlg Then Exit Sub
    Zooms = HScroll2 * 10
    newPointWidth = pointWidth * (Zooms / 100)
    newPointHeight = pointHeight * (Zooms / 100)
    With Picture3
        p1sw = .ScaleWidth * (Zooms / 100)
        p1sh = .ScaleHeight * (Zooms / 100)
    End With
    With Picture2
        .Left = Picture1.Left - newPointWidth * (HScroll1.Value - 1)
        .Width = Picture1.Width + newPointWidth * (HScroll1.Value - 1)
        .Top = Picture1.Top - newPointHeight * (VScroll1.Value - 1)
        .Height = Picture1.Height + newPointHeight * (VScroll1.Value - 1)
        '元画像を参照しサイズ変更して picture2 を再描画
        .PaintPicture Picture3.Picture, 0, 0, p1sw, p1sh
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()
    Call swichPicture
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

    Set Picture3.Picture = LoadPicture("イメージファイル")

    iniFlg = True
    With HScroll1
        .Min = 1
        .Max = 20
        .Value = 1
    End With
    With HScroll2
        .Min = 1
        .Max = 20
        .Value = 10
    End With
    With VScroll1
        .Min = 1
        .Max = 20
        .Value = 1
    End With
    Picture1.BackColor = &HFFFFFF
    With Picture2
        .BackColor = &HFFFFFF
        .AutoRedraw = True
    End With
    With Picture3
        .Visible = False
        .AutoSize = True
    End With
    With Form1
        .Height = 7500
        .Width = 8500
    End With
    iniFlg = False
    lngOrgHeight = Picture3.ScaleHeight
    lngOrgWidth = Picture3.ScaleWidth
    pointHeight = lngOrgHeight / 20
    pointWidth = lngOrgWidth / 20
    Call swichPicture
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
    If Form1.WindowState = vbMinimized Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Form1.Width < 4000 Then
        Form1.Width = 4000
    End If
    If Form1.Height < 4000 Then
        Form1.Height = 4000
    End If

    'Picture1 の位置の基本値
    With Picture1
        .Top = -100
        .Left = -100
        .Height = Form1.Height - Picture1.Top - 1500
        .Width = Form1.Width - Picture1.Left - 500
    End With
    'HScroll1 横スクロールバーの基本値
    With HScroll1
        .Top = Picture1.Height + Picture1.Top
        .Left = 0
        .Height = 300
        .Width = Picture1.Width + Picture1.Left
    End With
    'VScroll1 縦スクロールバーの基本値
    With VScroll1
        .Top = 0
        .Left = Picture1.Width + Picture1.Left
        .Height = Picture1.Height + Picture1.Top
        .Width = 300
    End With
    'HScroll2 ズームバー
    With HScroll2
        .Top = Picture1.Height + Picture1.Top + 700
        .Left = 0
        .Height = 300
        .Width = Picture1.Width + Picture1.Left - 2100
    End With
    Call swichPicture
End Sub

Private Sub HScroll1_Scroll()
    Call swichPicture
End Sub

Private Sub VScroll1_Scroll()
    Call swichPicture
End Sub

Private Sub HScroll2_Scroll()
    Call swichPicture
End Sub

Private Sub HScroll1_Change()
    Call swichPicture
End Sub

Private Sub VScroll1_Change()
    Call swichPicture
End Sub

Private Sub HScroll2_Change()
    Call swichPicture
End Sub

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