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投稿日: 2003/07/09(Wed) 13:06
タイトルRe^7: ファイルの分割表示の質問


Private Sub sFileOpen()
    Dim name As String   '名前'
    Dim Shot As String   'シュート回数'
    Dim ThreePShot As String '3ポイントシュート成功回数'
    Dim TwoPShot As String   '2ポイントシュート成功回数'
    Dim FreeThrow As String   'フリースロー成功回数'
    Dim Soutokuten As String   '総得点'
    Dim Rebound As String   'リバウンド獲得回数'
    Dim Assist As String   'アシスト成功回数'
    Dim Steel As String   'スティール成功回数'
    Dim BlockShot As String   'ブロックショット成功回数'
    Dim Foul As String   'ファウル回数'
    Dim DatN As Integer  'データのカウント'
    Dim intFileNo As Integer   'ファイルナンバー'
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer

    CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
    On Error GoTo Cancel_exit
    CommonDialog1.Filter = "シート (*.csv)|*.csv"
    CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNExplorer Or cdlOFNFileMustExist Or _
        cdlOFNHideReadOnly Or cdlOFNLongNames Or cdlOFNNoChangeDir
    file_name = CommonDialog1.FileName
    DatN = 0
    intFileNo = FreeFile
    Open file_name For Input As #intFileNo
        Do Until EOF(intFileNo)
            Input #intFileNo, name, Shot, ThreePShot, TwoPShot, FreeThrow, _
                        Soutokuten, Rebound, Assist, Steel, BlockShot, Foul
            With MSFlexGrid2(DatN \ 5)
                .Visible = False   '一旦非表示にする'
                .FillStyle = flexFillRepeat
                .Rows = 5 + 2
                .Row = (DatN Mod 5) + 1
                .RowHeight((DatN Mod 5) + 1) = 350
                .TextMatrix(.Row, 0) = Format$(DatN + 1, "##0")
                .TextMatrix(.Row, 1) = Format$(name, "####0")
                .TextMatrix(.Row, 2) = Format$(Shot, "####0")
                .TextMatrix(.Row, 3) = Format$(ThreePShot, "####0")
                .TextMatrix(.Row, 4) = Format$(TwoPShot, "####0")
                .TextMatrix(.Row, 5) = Format$(FreeThrow, "####0")
                .TextMatrix(.Row, 6) = Format$(Soutokuten, "####0")
                .TextMatrix(.Row, 7) = Format$(Rebound, "####0")
                .TextMatrix(.Row, 8) = Format$(Assist, "####0")
                .TextMatrix(.Row, 9) = Format$(Steel, "####0")
                .TextMatrix(.Row, 10) = Format$(BlockShot, "####0")
                .TextMatrix(.Row, 11) = Format$(Foul, "####0")
            End With
            DatN = DatN + 1
    Close #intFileNo
    With MSFlexGrid2(0)
        .FillStyle = flexFillSingle
        .Row = 1
        .Col = 1
        .Visible = True   '再表示'
    End With
    With MSFlexGrid2(1)
        .FillStyle = flexFillSingle
        .Row = 1
        .Col = 1
        .Visible = True   '再表示'
    End With
    frmGameStats.Caption = file_name
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description

End Sub

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