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投稿日: 2003/01/31(Fri) 00:45
タイトルRe^6: OptionButton Caption表示について

WinXP と Win9x 系ではフォントが違いますので注意が必要です。
Margin のサイズを大きく取る等して調整して下さい。

Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Resize()
    Dim Opt1Width As Long
    Dim Com1Width As Long
    Opt1Width = Form1.Width - 4000
    Com1Width = Form1.Width - 4000
    If Opt1Width < 1000 Then
        Opt1Width = 1000
        Com1Width = 1000
    End If
    If Opt1Width > 3000 Then
        Opt1Width = 3000
        Com1Width = 3000
    End If
    Option1.Width = Opt1Width
    Command1.Width = Com1Width
    'fGetTextWidth 関数の使用例
    Option1.Caption = fSetCaption(Option1, "OptionボタンのCaption名", 300)
    Command1.Caption = fSetCaption(Command1, "CommandボタンのCaption名", 300)
End Sub

Private Function fSetCaption(MyControl As Control, _
                ByVal myString As String, ByVal Margin As Long) As String

    Dim meFontSize As Single, BakString  As String
    Dim meFontName As String, ScaleMode1 As Long
    Dim meFontBold As Boolean, LoopCount As Long
    Dim WidTwips   As Long
    BakString = "・・・"
    With Me
        ScaleMode1 = .ScaleMode
        meFontSize = .FontSize
        meFontName = .FontName
        meFontBold = .FontBold
        .ScaleMode = vbTwips
        .FontSize = MyControl.FontSize
        .FontName = MyControl.FontName
        .FontBold = MyControl.FontBold
        For LoopCount = 1& To Len(myString)
            If LoopCount = Len(myString) Then
                fSetCaption = myString
                Exit For
            End If
            WidTwips = Me.TextWidth(Left$(myString, LoopCount) & BakString)
            If WidTwips > (MyControl.Width - Margin) Then
                fSetCaption = Left$(myString, LoopCount) & BakString
                Exit For
            End If
        Next LoopCount
        .ScaleMode = ScaleMode1
        .FontSize = meFontSize
        .FontName = meFontName
        .FontBold = meFontBold
    End With
End Function

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