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投稿日: 2002/12/05(Thu) 01:05
タイトルRe^8: VBでエクセルを閉じる時・・・

> その都度残っている Excelを終了していますか?


Private Sub seireki_Change()
    Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Documents and Settings\吉原昌也\デスクトップ\システ  ム")
    Set Spara = xlBook.Worksheets("パラ")
    Set Skekka = xlBook.Worksheets("結果")
    Set Sjinkou_m = xlBook.Worksheets("人口男")
    Set Sjinkou_f = xlBook.Worksheets("人口女")
    Set Skiso_m = xlBook.Worksheets("基礎男")
    Set Skiso_f = xlBook.Worksheets("基礎女")
    Set Skuriagari_m = xlBook.Worksheets("男層繰り上がり")
    Set Skuriagari_f = xlBook.Worksheets("女層繰り上がり")
    Set Shyouka = xlBook.Worksheets("評価2")

    Spara.Range("D29").Value = seireki.Text
    Call shousai

    xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
    xlApp.SaveWorkspace ("システム")
    Set Spara = Nothing
    Set Skekka = Nothing
    Set Sjinkou_m = Nothing
    Set Sjinkou_f = Nothing
    Set Skiso_m = Nothing
    Set Skiso_f = Nothing
    Set Skuriagari_m = Nothing
    Set Skuriagari_f = Nothing
    Set Shyouka = Nothing
    Set xlBook = Nothing
    Set xlApp = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub shousai()
    detail.AutoRedraw = True
        detail1.AutoRedraw = True
        detail.Cls   'Line(0, 0) - Step(1500, 1500), RGB(255, 255, 255), BF
        detail1.Cls   'Line(0, 0) - Step(1500, 1500), RGB(255, 255, 255), BF
        If bunpu.Text = "コーホート人口" Then
            For a = 0 To 10                                 '現在のデータの代入
                pira.p_m(a) = Skekka.Cells(1, 112 + a).Value
                pira.p_f(a) = Skekka.Cells(2, 112 + a).Value
                pira1.p_m(a) = Skekka.Cells(1, 124 + a).Value
                pira1.p_f(a) = Skekka.Cells(2, 124 + a).Value
            Next a
            For B = 0 To 10                                 '人口ピラミッドの描画
                detail.Line (765, 135 + 133 * B)-Step(pira.p_m(10 - B) / 2, -100), RGB(220 -         B * 6, 220, 220), BF
                detail.Line (735, 135 + 133 * B)-Step(-(pira.p_f(10 - B) / 2), -100), RGB          (220 - B * 6, B * 6, 20 + B * 6), BF
                detail1.Line (765, 135 + 133 * B)-Step(pira1.p_m(10 - B) / 2, -100), RGB(220 -         B * 6, 220, 220), BF
                detail1.Line (735, 135 + 133 * B)-Step(-(pira1.p_f(10 - B) / 2), -100), RGB         (220 - B * 6, B * 6, 20 + B * 6), BF
            Next B
        End If
        If bunpu.Text = "年少人口" Then
            san(0).p_n = Skekka.Range("DH15").Value
            san(1).p_n = Skekka.Range("DH17").Value
            detail.Line (750 - san(0).p_n / 2, 750 - san(0).p_n / 2)-Step(san(0).p_n, san        (0).p_n), RGB(153, 204, 51), BF
            detail1.Line (750 - san(1).p_n / 2, 750 - san(1).p_n / 2)-Step(san(1).p_n, san        (1).p_n), RGB(153, 204, 51), BF
        End If
        If bunpu.Text = "生産年齢人口" Then
            san(0).p_s = Skekka.Range("DI15").Value
            san(1).p_s = Skekka.Range("DI17").Value
            detail.Line (750 - san(0).p_s / 2, 750 - san(0).p_s / 2)-Step(san(0).p_s, san        (0).p_s), RGB(153, 204, 51), BF
            detail1.Line (750 - san(1).p_s / 2, 750 - san(1).p_s / 2)-Step(san(1).p_s, san        (1).p_s), RGB(153, 204, 51), BF
        End If
        If bunpu.Text = "老年人口" Then
            san(0).p_r = Skekka.Range("DJ15").Value
            san(1).p_r = Skekka.Range("DJ17").Value
            detail.Line (750 - san(0).p_r / 2, 750 - san(0).p_r / 2)-Step(san(0).p_r, san        (0).p_r), RGB(153, 204, 51), BF
            detail1.Line (750 - san(1).p_r / 2, 750 - san(1).p_r / 2)-Step(san(1).p_r, san        (1).p_r), RGB(153, 204, 51), BF
        End If
        detail.AutoRedraw = False
        detail1.AutoRedraw = False
End Sub

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